Your Guide for Teens Planner
Welcome to the journey of planning and growing in the Lord
What's Inside the Teens Planner
About me
Vision board
Year at a glance
Daily schedule
Multiplication table & measurement chart
Reading & Viewing log
Field trip log
Attendance & Extra activities
Colorful bookmark

2Miles Teens Planner is designed to help organize your school year alongside learning the valuable attitude of stewardship. Stewardship is the way of life. It revolves around care, handling, management and gratitude towards what God has given us.
The planner is intentionally designed for every Christian teen to help apply stewardship principle each week alongside developing the art to work independently through responsibility and accountability. The planner is an effective too to help teen to prioritize, work effectively, plan better, and follow through.
The planer is undated so you can start any time of the year.
Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.
Colossians 3:23 (NLT)

About me
The planner has an about me page that gathers a quick summary of who you are and your favorite things.
Read through this guide completely and look at the sample screen captures placed. It will give you an idea on how you can effectively use your planner.
The vision board is a good way to help you keep track of or think more about your goals and future. You can enter your Spiritual, Health and Educational goals here. It is advisable to take help of your parent to complete this. After you have completed this page, celebrate by placing a sticker.
You can create your own calendar view. Write the month name and the days in the boxes. Look at the screen capture below. Since the planner is undated, you don't have to worry about any wasted space. For best result you can start from the month you purchased this planner.
The grid page will help you draw a tabular structure for the daily schedule that you maintain. Include everything right from the time you wake up and till the time you go to bed.
Multiplication table and measurement chart
These reference pages will give an easy way for teens to memorize and retain valuable mathematical information.

The theme for this planner is Stewardship and each month we will talk about one of the gift God has placed in your life and how you can develop the art of stewardship towards it. We are called as followers of Christ to manage all the gifts God has placed in our life. Please take time to read and meditate on the Scripture references given.
Making entries:
There are beautiful month name stickers at the end of this planner for you to use. Use one for each month.
Enter month dates on the top right corner of each box in the calendar view.
Mark special dates or events
and make it fancy.

This is where you will track your weekly schedule, to-dos, deadlines, habits and also explore more about the concept of stewardship for the gift chosen that month.
The planning pages for the week is a 2 page spread giving you a complete view of your week.
Each week begins with Monday. At the top of the page, write the week duration. e.g. Jan 1-Jan 7
Enter the date for each day of the week in the white boxes.
Week Schedule grid is where you make entries of your activities for the week. You can choose to time-box your activities. Time-boxing is a great method to fight procrastination and set time limits.
For each of the line item entered in the weekly schedule grid, there is a starred column that can be used to keep track of items that need review, or if it's completed. You can use abbreviations like C- complete, R - need review, D- doubt, Q -quiz.
A gird on the right is where you will enter the deadlines or events that need your special attention.
The Habit tracker grid has 4 pre-entered habits to track. Tracking your spiritual habits is one sure way to know your progress in Christian life. You can enter 3 additional habits. Place a tick or smile on days you conquered the habit. Celebrate your win.
Each week has a devotional area on the left page. Yohan, Ben, Renée, Olive and Anita will help you explore and strengthen your stewardship attitude with a challenge or a question.
You will find a praying hand in some devos. Please make a sincere effort to pray for the prayer points.
A fun way to close your week is by placing a sticker. You will find them on the Week Achievement sticker page at the end of this planner.

What does retrospective mean?
Retrospective means looking back, contemplating on past events.
retro means back, spect means look.
Need for retrospective:
Looking back at your past month, and thinking intently on the events that occurred helps one know what they are doing right, what they missed and what/how things could be done right.
Retrospective brings in continuous improvement and aids in developing a strong ability to create solutions that will improve one's productivity.
Each month you will be asked 4 questions.
How well did I do in my Spiritual discipline?
Was I able to focus on things I needed to do during the past month?
What went well?
What could be improved?
You will provide star rating method for the first two questions.
5 – Outstanding, 4– Exceeds Expectations, 3- Meets Expectations, 2- Needs Improvement, 1- Unacceptable
For questions 3 & 4, you will look at the month that went by and take stock of what you did well and where you can improve. Remember this is an exercise that helps you analyze - what you did right, how you did it & what could be done better.
Doing a monthly retrospective builds a quick action plan on what needs to be continued or implemented next time and what should be avoided.
It is a great habit to develop no matter what you do.
Do it frequently.
You can liven up the page and conclude the retrospective session by placing the steward sticker from the last page of the planner.
Keep practicing to be a good steward.

Exploring careers will help you set informed goals and motivates you to achieve those goals.
2Miles planner brings you a space where you begin to match what you know about yourself, with your values, skills, talents and interest.
Step 1: Set goals
List down your Spiritual, Health, Ministry and Academic goals for the next 5 years and this year.
This will give you a perspective of what you want to achieve in the future.
Step 2: Gather some career ideas
List some people who have interesting careers.
Write down things that you are interested in and which career or ministry it fits into.
List your skills - talents & gifts. Match them to a career or ministry.
Step 3: Career planning
Based on your interests and skills, list down your top 3 career choices and research everything you need to know about the career. Look at the advantage, disadvantage and skills that need to be developed.
Think about how you can use this career to serve the Lord.
Step 4: Explore your career
Exploring the career of you choice will help evaluate career pathways according to your value, skills and interest.
It will help you make informed decisions and plans for your future and while on this journey you will be exposed to
many other career pathways that exists. It also builds up hope in. Incase something does not work out, new interests can be pursued and different goals can be set.
While working on this page,
You can use various methods of career exploration. Job shadow, volunteering, interviewing etc.
Note your learnings while 0n the job.
Identify if the career fits your interests, gifts, talents and goals.
Special note:
Do this activity along with your parents or a Christ centered grow-up whom you trust and knows you very well.
Be open to think about non-traditional occupations, emerging fields and technologies, self-employment and apprenticeship.
Remember: people who choose occupations that match their personalities tend to enjoy their work. They also tend to achieve their career and personal goals.
After you have completed the 4 steps, place a 'career explored' sticker.
You can also read the 3 series blog post on Preparing teens for the future
The log pages consist of
Reading/Viewing logs
Field trip log
Extra activities
Reading/Viewing log:
Read for a minimum of 15 mins daily.
Keep a track of your reading habit by writing down the title of the book, author name, type of media ( print/e-book,), date when you started. Rate the media.
You can also include valuable media that was worth watching or listening to. You can capture W = Website,
M = Movie and A = Audiobook in the Type column.
Field trip log:
Keep a track of your field trip and capture what you liked and why.
This is a dotted grid page for you to keep track of your grades.
Track your school attendance. Start from the month you begin using this planner.
Extra activities:
Track your extra activities and hours spent.

Developing a quiet time habit and reading the Bible is a sure way to experience God's love for you. For your time with God, 2Miles planner provides you resources to develop a praying habit and a consistent Bible reading habit.
You are here introduced to a 5 finger prayer method that will help you focus on others and pray for them first. It is not the only way to pray, but you may choose to include this model during your prayer time.
The page explains the role each finger plays and is thus an easy way to know whom to pray for. Write down the names of people you will be praying for in the area given. You may choose to write with a pencil instead of a pen.
When the hands are folded, the thumb is the closest finger to your heart. Pray for those closest to you, your loved ones.
Pointer finger represents people who point you in the right direction; your teachers, and other leaders in your life. Pray that they will operate in God-given wisdom and will have support of fellow believers too. (You can include even your children's teachers).
Middle finger is the tallest finger in our hand. They represent people who stand tall for us, lead us; those in government (our President, Prime Minister, military leader etc), church & workplace leadership. Pray for guidance and wisdom.
Ring finger is known to be the weakest finger. Remember to pray for those who are sick, poor, in pain, trouble.
Little finger represents us. Pray for ourselves and our own needs.
Your prayers are important.
Next you are introduced to a Bible reading plan.
You are free to choose your existing reading plan or the chronological Bible reading plan present in this planner.
What's in it for you?
You will read each Bible book in its entirety and chronologically.
The plan spans over 365 days and you can start any time.
You can place a tick after you finish each day's readings.
You will be in God's Word daily.
A sticker reward to conquer your Bible reading plan.
Note: The chronological Bible reading plan present in this planner is used with permission from Blue Letter Bible.
(permission received via email on Oct 30, 2023 from ...@blueletterbible.org)
Write to us
May God strengthen you to stay focused and
deliver impressive results at work.
May He give you a fresh enthusiasm daily
to do the job in hand.
In Jesus Christ's name, Amen!

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