Working remotely / from Home (WFH) needs getting used to.
You have been enduring the fatigue of round the clock calls with stakeholders, the superabundance of meetings causing your calendar to look for a setting of 48 hrs workday, aching back or tail bone, stiff limbs and bugging drops in the network connection.
Your workwear is untouched and side-lined for something more comfortable. Wearable devices are now part of your accessories.
You are silently making a new fashion statement. (hmm… I wonder what fashion runways will showcase next – Summer collection 2020 – Work from Home flavour? )
Despite all that, I am sure you find yourself illuminated, wiser and evolved.
Give yourself a pat on the back. 👍
While you go through all this, there could be one nagging thought running through your mind each day.
‘How do you make sure work is getting done? ‘
‘Is everyone in my team being productive? ‘
‘Are they faithful to their commitment? ‘
‘Will they give quality work each day? ‘
Ok, before you answer about your team, let me ask you, “Are you faithful at work?”
Questions on faithfulness are the least favourite. It makes us nervous and uncomfortable.
Do you like a moral drone eyeing your every move? I guess, No.
Faithfulness is personal. It’s closely knit with integrity and that defines a person.
Integrity defines the very essence of who you are.
What if someone described you based on the work you did?
How would it make you feel?
Your work reveals your character.
Here’s what you can do. Look at the day behind you or the week behind you.
Now, let me ask again.
“What if someone described you based on the work you did?”
We all fall short of perfection. So, we can’t really expect our team to be perfect either.
We have all sorts of people in our team. Difficult people are everywhere – in your family, at work, school, college and in your community. You need to work along with them.
But would everyone co-operate? Of course not!
And that’s where putting up guidelines for your team helps.
What are some ways we can ensure work is being done or rather work is progressing – even while working from home?
I am listing below a few tried and tested methods.
In This Article
5 Promising Tips To Ensure Work Gets Done Daily.
1. Conduct regular stand up meetings
Have them preferably in the morning. Be consistent in conducting.
2. Document your stand-up meetings
Yes, document it. Have a template that covers points discussed during the stand-up. It isn’t for formal circulation. It’s just between you and your team.
With a good deal of things running through our mind, writing things down can spare our RAM power and possibly avoid missing details.
Einstein insisted on writing things down. Cos it’s easy to look up and track to closure.
3. Timely follow-ups
Tactfully ask your team to update the stand-up document at a particular time in the day. Follow-ups should not take long. It should be strategically timed and scheduled. Don’t miss it. It’s important to document your progress.
You may argue, where’s the time to conduct follow-ups?
Remember – if you refuse to make time to monitor progress, you are making time for ‘loss’ to inflict its progress.
4. End of the day follow-ups
Your end of the day may not necessarily be my end of the day. It’s usually true with a team that collaborates from different locations, time zones & functions.
So, it’s best to ask your team to send in 1-2-line status before logging out for the day.
5. Your work matters
Educate your team about how important their work is and where it all fits. You can also read more in ‘Our Work Matters‘.
Missing the big picture is a prelude to missing the vision totally. Leading to anxiety, lower quality and wrestling with work.
It takes practice to put things in place. Whoever said, Rome was built in a day?
With consistency and patience, things fall in place. More like parenting, right!
3 Main Reasons Why Faithfulness At Work Is Important
1. Wholesome delivery
Faithfulness at work brings about harmony in the workplace. With harmony comes ‘order’ and out goes ‘chaos’. It adds to the wholesome delivery of your work.
2. Progress is made
Faithfulness brings a team together. The best way to progress is to work together.
3. YOU prosper.
When we work faithfully for our employers who pay us, they grow. When your employer grows and prospers, you grow and prosper. When you grow and prosper, your family is secure. Do you see where it’s going?
Whether we make riches or not, it’s important to work with solid work ethics.
‘Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.’
A lazy hand can only bring in delay and failure. But a hard-working person reaps sweet fruits of their labour.
Today, can you pray that your employers and their families are successful?
I would like to hear from you, so let me know, 'how you ensure work is progressing daily?'
We can all learn from each other. Drop-in your comments. I am looking forward to read it.
It’s a friendly medium where you and I can share our ideas to make work seem less burdensome. 😃
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